Welcome to the Florida Carpenters Regional Council


Pile Driving

Stable, Strong Results through Safe, Skilled Performance.

The pile driving jobsite has no room for error.

Expert performance is the norm, and is provided only by professionals who are trained, tested, and qualified to assignments safely and accurately.

The skill of a pile driver to get the steel, concrete or wood piling properly into the earth is crucial to securing the success and safety of a project.

Florida pile drivers are experts in all aspects of this challenging job, beginning with pre-installation inspections of the material and job site using static and dynamic testing. They are skilled at determining load-carrying capacities, gauging hammer performance, and accommodating lateral, compression, or tension loads.

Some pile drivers are also commercial divers, responsible for the underwater construction required by many industries, including construction and power generation.

We invest the time and resources to make sure our pile-driving professionals produce superior results every time. We know that companies want a pile driver who can assemble and disassemble cranes and know how to handle all types of piles, and is skilled in welding and burning.

Our Rigger and Signaler Certification program meets rigger and signaler requirements in 29 CFR 1926 Section CC — Cranes & Derricks.

Pile Driving
Pile Driving

A Florida pile driver has skills in:

  • setting up and dismantling a rig
  • welding
  • creosote timber piles
  • chain saw safety
  • docking systems
  • sheet piles
  • concrete, sheet, pipe, auger cast, and wood piles

Our professionals are versatile and trained to handle any task, including…

Pile Driving

We stress teamwork, communications, technical proficiency, and more safety. We train, test, monitor, and train again. Our pile drivers must complete rigorous training and then are tested to earn the proper qualifications before being dispatched to a job site.

Trained for Productivity

Classroom and hands-on instruction hones in on technical proficiency, as well as soft skills such as understanding operations worksheets and daily work schedules. We also offer customized training and onsite training if the need arises.

Just a sample of our training includes:

  • Crane and Rig Identification
  • Types of Shoring
  • Timber Construction
  • Accessories
  • Layout Instruments
  • Hammers
  • Rig Set-Up
  • Types of Piling
  • Installation of Piling
  • False Work
  • Rigging Techniques
  • Foundation Systems

Special Attention to Safety

Safety is our top priority on every project. We provide the most current safety practices in the industry, because our curriculum is done in partnership with OSHA to address OSHA regulations. Our professionals masters safety training skills before being cleared to work. Training includes:

  • OSHA 10/30
  • MSDS
  • Automated External
  • First Aid/CPR Defibrillation
  • Fall Protection

Our skills go beyond carpentry

Pile Driver

Experience. We know how to provide safe access and egress, build safe engineered structures, provide temporary facilities for work locations, and provide protection for other workers.

Expertise. We solve problems quickly by troubleshooting the issue and implementing a solution.

Flexibility. Disciplined crews are available to work non-traditional hours to keep projects on time.

Professionalism. We understand the importance of a good attitude and professional work ethic, and how to properly represent the contractor and the project owner on the job site.

Relationships. Our goal is to partner with project owners to solve problems and complete tasks to the customer’s satisfaction, and to address challenges that surface during a project in a manner that keeps productivity humming.

Pile Driver

Make a Sound Business Decision

By placing Florida pile driver specialists on your project, you are avoiding the hassle and expense of recruiting, hiring, and training workers. Prevent scrambling to find these specialized pile drivers with the proper qualifications that your job site calls for, and place the assignment in the hands of skilled, productive crews. By requiring Florida pile drivers, you’ll quickly benefit from our commitment to keep you competitive and profitable.

We will provide that for you. Give us a call.

Interested in finding a local pile driving contractor?