Welcome to the Florida Carpenters Regional Council



Local 1809 Meetings Held to Accommodate Members

Many thanks to those Local 1809 members who participated in an informational meeting July 13 at Fort Pierce, the site of the St. Lucie Power Plant. The Council understands that working there and getting to Ft. Lauderdale in time for a union meeting is a challenge. The on-site meeting is meant to give these working members Local Union information firsthand and to give them an opportunity to voice any concerns they have. The Council is focusing on winning work in the area in addition to the Power Plant, so that LU 1809 members can stay local instead of traveling outside of the state between outages at St. Lucie. These meetings will alternate between St. Lucie and Turkey Point each month. The next meeting will be August 11 at Turkey Point. 


The following night, Israel Muscadin, a Job Corps gradúate, took the oath of membership at the July 14 Local 1809 union meeting. He will be a first-year carpenter apprentice. President Miguel Saldivar swore him in. For information, questions, etc., contact the Local Union 1809 office at 305-570-1929