Welcome to the Florida Carpenters Regional Council



Dental Coverage Returns!

Under the leadership of Executive Secretary-Treasurer James Banks, the Health and Welfare Trust Fund for the Florida Carpenters Regional Council is proud to announce that dental insurance for its Tier 1 participants is back!

When EST Banks assumed his office, he made an initial promise to Council members to bring back dental coverage. That coverage went into effect on March 1, 2017, and members of the Council and their families are already enjoying the benefits this Fund produces.

“Our Health and Welfare Trust Fund has returned to being as healthy as the Fund has been in a long time,” EST Banks said. “With work hours going up, contributions to the Fund are also increasing, and I am happy to make sure this promise was realized. Medical insurance is a hot topic of conversation these days, and remains consistently on my mind to get as much coverage for our members as possible.” 

EST Banks added that, while getting dental coverage for Tier 1 members was a great step forward in member benefits, his next goal is to get the Fund into a position to provide dental coverage to all members in the near future.

If you have any questions about eligibility for dental coverage, please contact Southern Benefit Administrators at 1-800-831-4914.